Electromagnetic "alternative" energy is here, now, and can be used for healing; this is the most protected & censored information in the world
Scientists want to use electromagnetic energy to power "the internet of bodies". How much longer do they think they can hide this technology that can be used to heal and provide decentralized power?
If you are like me, you realize that continuous learning is vitally important in life (and is actually the reason we are alive, in my spiritual philosophy). Expanding our knowledge is the key to avoiding being manipulated by those who have this knowledge and attempt to conceal it from the rest of the world. If this knowledge I am about to share were widely known, no one would have to take medications anymore, because we could heal ourselves without medications. No one would have to fight in wars over resources anymore, because energy all around us could be used without paying utility bills. No one would hate or fear anything, ever, anymore, because they would see (as easily as the nose on my face) that we are all part of God. Because it is God that you are looking at when you look at the framework for our world. This is why I believe spirituality is key to being healthy. Every cell in our bodies is made up of God! What I’m attempting to explain is actually very simple, at its core.
A man named Marko Rodin , who is (remarkably) still alive, laid out the framework of our universe as it really exists, which is a purely energetic entity. Jason Verbelli is a scientist who has worked with other energy scientists to try to get out information about Rodin’s work despite ridiculous amounts of censorship. This is information Verbelli must hide in the comments of his videos in order to share, because the Powers-That-Be are so afraid of it:
Once you study about Rodin’s discoveries, watch this video and it will REALLY blow your mind!
The SEG generator is an interesting project utilizing electromagnetic energy that appears, sadly, to have been somehow derailed:
The website for the company SEG Magnetics clearly shows how electromagnetic technology can be easily and inexpensively implemented, yet also claims that a prototype has not been built because it would cost millions to do so. Knowing what I know about how the Powers-That-Be use their mafioso abilities to derail projects that threaten their agendas, it doesn’t surprise me that this project appears to have gone nowhere. However, it shows how the technology could be used, although I question whether toxic teflon and problematic rare Earth minerals are necessary to implement this technology, which is already being used by some in health care devices, including Matthew Rife (who fails to credit Rodin and calls his “invention” a “qui coil”).
Nevertheless, Rife is doing the world a service, even if he is selling his devices for much more $$$ than he should be, in my opinion ($650-$6,900).
Russian physicist and scientists Sergei Godin & Vladimier Roschin have built a prototype of an SEG and “observed that when the rotor turned clockwise it’s weight reduced, and when spinned the other way it had a gain in weight. Such effects can only be obtained when a device can affect the gravitation and inertia of the body.”
I find it enlightening that “magnetoelectric” power is discussed in this paper:
The article, Bioelectronic Sensor Nodes for the Internet of Bodies, discusses how to implement and power “the Internet of Bodies”. What is “the Internet of Bodies”? It is a network of artificial neural connections created by devices worn on and within the body, nano-networks formed by graphene within the body (presumably what researchers have seen on dark field microscopy forming self-assembling networks within the contents of some vials marketed as pharmaceutical injections and administered to children) and data centers like the ones being built throughout the United States. It is very interesting to read about how devices ostensibly meant to improve health will harvest our energy. No mention is made in the article of research done to evaluate the health effects of energy harvesting. In what world would having your energy harvested in any way improve your health? We are energy. When our energy (called Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine) leaves our bodies, we are dead!
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