Feb 23·edited Feb 23Author


“ A former KGB agent named Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov claimed in 1984 that Russia has a long-term goal of ideologically subverting the U.S. He described the process as "a great brainwashing" that has four basic stages. The first stage, he said, is called "demoralization," which would take about 20 years to achieve.” I believe the evidence suggests the real culprits are obviously not the Russian government but our own intelligence and government agencies who are not acting in the interests of Americans.

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I remember that video and circulated it for several years. IMHO we have been living it from the demoralization of our country to the rise in trans surgeries and woke ideologies.

In my opinion you are absolutely correct below Dr Kathy,

However, I believe these communist agents were planted years ago in our political, educational and in major religious institutions.

Dr Alice von Hildebrand the deceased wife of the famous deceased Theologian Deitrich von Hildebrand

sent out a notarized copy that she obtained decades ago after Dr Bella Dodd visited their home on Long island , NY.

Dr Dodd joined the Communist Party at Hunter teachers College in NY and rose in the Party. She was ordered by communist party bosses who were Cardinals in the Vatican itself to plant Party members in Catholic seminaries who would at first appear conservative and then after they rose in rank , subvert the morality and tenets of the Catholic Faith.

Interestingly Hunter Teachers college had an established Communist Party already on campus in the late thirties. My own father's first wife attended the college and divorced my father and according to my now deceased half sister her mother turned into a radical feminist there.

Toby Westerman received the same information from Dr von Hildebrand as I did.


Bella Dodd also testified before Congress and she wrote the book, "the School of Darkness".

Dr von Hildebrand stated that ONLY homosexuals would take on the assignment on a note when the notarized document was sent to me.

Another very interesting story about the communist infiltration of our government comes from a California man who was instrumental in the development of the Palm Pilot. Tom Fife.

At first I thought this was far fetched, but Constance Cumbey I believe she is a lawyer) of Liberty Radio

checked out the sources and Tom Fife himself and authenticated what he stated in the video below.


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